Fire Safety Bill for 2020

The Fire Safety Bill was announced in the Queen’s speech, to …

“ensure an appalling tragedy like Grenfell can never happen again”

The Bill suggests that it will support the findings of the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry Phase One Report, released earlier this year. Outlined as the “main benefits of the Bill”, there is mention of providing residents with “reassurance” that lessons have been learned as well as making clear building owners and managers know they are “responsible for assessing the risks of external walls and fire doors”.

The main elements of the Bill are:

  • Clarifying that the scope of the Fire Safety Order includes the external walls of the building, including cladding, and fire doors for domestic premises of multiple occupancy
  • Strengthening the relevant enforcement powers to hold building owners and managers to account
  • Providing a transitional period for building owners and managers (the ‘responsible person’) and Fire and Rescue Services to put in place the infrastructure for these changes

More on this vital subject when information comes available. It is likely that this Bill will work in conjunction with the New Building Safety Bill for 2020.

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