Support for you when the The Fire Officer visits

No matter how well prepared we are, there is always a little trepidation when the Fire Officer visits. During such a recent visit, it was fantastic to see how well the client was prepared.

  • A copy of the up to date Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) was available for the Fire Officer. This is the first hurdle, and a direct scrutiny of my work with the client. There was a lot of discussion about the FRA, with several aspects being challenged and substantiated.
  • The fire alarm system and site detection was verified,  along with the service schedule, maintenance, and testing of this system. The client provided ready access to up to date versions of  all of the relevant documentation and records.
  • Fire compartmentation was discussed, with the Fire Officer providing some helpful and insightful comments. It was great to have plans of the premises available, and to support these with a physical examination of the essential compartment walls, doors, etc.
  • Fire escape routes, assembly points, signage, emergency lighting, fire action notices, etc. were considered, examined, and validated. Again, the client was able to demonstrate a good understanding of the role and importance of safe evacuation. Evidence was provide of recent fire drills and, importantly, of lessons learned (and trained out) from any minor issues that were noted. The effective use of a suitable tracker for all safety events was demonstrated, to the approval of the Fire Officer.
  • Fire Safety Training was a major discussion topic, with the Fire Officer again being impressed by the importance placed on this by the client, and in the execution of the training and follow ups. Evidence was provided to demonstrate:
    • Fire Safety Induction Training (coupled to site tours)
    • Fire Safety Training and annual refreshers
    • Fire Warden Training
    • Additional instruction to the Incident Coordinators
    • Supplementary sessions on related subjects (such as solvent safety, etc.)

The end results included:

  • A satisfied Fire Officer, with no further actions required
  • A happy client of LRB Consulting Ltd. the leading consultancy health and safety in Leicester.
  • A validation of the time and effort taken to bring the client to this position