Face Fit Testing of RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) Respiratory Protective Equipment (or RPE) is used to protect wearers from exposure to a range of chemicals, solvents, dust, fibres, etc.  It is often a protective measure that is identified in the risk assessment. The RPE must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers (otherwise

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The Selection and Control of Contractors is an area that some businesses do not devote enough time to, and do not understand their responsibilities fully. Reliance on the use of contractors has increased dramatically over recent years in most employment sectors. Organisations are increasingly concentrating on core activities and operations and are taking on contract staff for

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Construction Cancer Risk – Respirable Crystalline Silica Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) is a serious problem in some industries, particularly the construction industry. The cancer burden study of the number of deaths from lung cancer associated with exposure to RCS shows there are about 600 deaths per year, with about 500 of these deaths occurring from exposure

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Do you know the Food Safety 48 Hour Rule? As a food handler, you must let your employer know immediately if you: Are suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea or if you have an infected cut or sore If you have suffered from the above whilst abroad If someone in your family is suffering from any of

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Cold Weather Forklift truck safety – For many businesses, forklifts are an essential piece of material handling equipment that they cannot do without. Whether you work in warehousing, construction, many areas of production, transportation or a myriad of other fields, forklifts trucks can make life safer and easier for both you and your employees. Winter

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Simply Put New Guidance For Self-Employed Workers The 2011 Löfstedt Review has led to changes in legislation for the self-employed. It recommended that self-employed people whose work does not pose a potential risk of harm to others should be exempt from health and safety law. This has since been accepted by the government.

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Hand-Arm Vibration In June, national bus and coach builder Alexander Dennis Ltd. was fined after they ignored numerous warnings about the dangers that the overuse of hand-held power tools posed to their workers’ health. In this article, we’re going to put the spotlight on hand-arm vibration in the workplace, and the risks associated with it. 

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